Sunday, November 22, 2009

Bulging Belgians

This photo's one of my all-time favorites. It comes from Belgium although it is undated and there's not much you can tell from the lack of uniforms.

War may be hell but there are moments of male bonding that just make it all worthwhile dammit.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

2 Great Vintage Photos of Man Exercising

Hurry, these two photos, and a handful more, are currently available on eBay. See seller wolfchris or click here.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

3 vintage photos of athletes

Short of giving him a cod piece, it's hard to see how a uniform could draw more attention to this football player's basket. Love the striped jersey too.

The back of this photo identifies the jock as Thurman Sanders, B.U.H.S. Basketball "34". Apparently this was when guys played lawn basketball. Whatever, he's sexy.

A bunch of nearly naked, sweaty athletes in the heat of competition. What's not to like?

Find these and lots more vintage gay photos at

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Male Model

"Don, a young man with a perfect body, found love where he least expected it, but Ted loved no one but himself -- and money!"

A French Line novel by Win Haven, published in 1967.

Haven't read it, never will. But the cover art! Can't get enough.